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Industrial Advisory Committee

The Industrial Advisory Committee members are prominent leaders of the Hong Kong Industry or internationally renowned scholars.  Many of them are our own alumni. Their advice and support is invaluable to ensure that we provide the best possible courses for students, and that graduates are well-equipped to tackle problems encountered in the local industry. Many of them have delivered seminars as a part of engineering training to our students with a view to giving a broader perspective of the engineering profession and the challenges it offers.

Ir Dr Alex CHAN S.K.

Senior Vice President

Hong Kong Academey of Engineering Sciences

Dr. FENG Jinzhang

Advisor to Chairman of the Board

Commercial Engine Corporation (Shanghai)


Director of Business Strategy (Generation),

CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd

Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong


​Hong Kong Institute of Engineers 

Ir Arthur LEE Hok Yin 

Assistant Director

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Government of the HKSAR


Dr. LIAN Yubo

Chief Scientist

​BYD Company Limited (Shenzhen)

Mr. Herbert LUN


Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Mr. Peter NG Hon Yu

Deputy Head of HK & VP

Technology, ASMPT Ltd

Dr. Bruce WANG Lei 


EcoFlow (Shenzhen)



Ir Chris Chong


Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute 


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