Our Programme
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers widely recognized, high-quality educational programmes both at the undergraduate and the graduate levels. At the undergraduate level, we offer undergraduate BEng(ME) degree programme. At the postgraduate level, we offer an "MSc(Eng) in ME" and an "MSc(Eng) in BSE" programmes which are taught programmes based on coursework, and the research-based MPhil and PhD programmes.
Teaching Areas
Since early times, mechanical engineers have been responsible for the design, analysis, manufacture and maintenance of mechanical systems such as automobiles, ships, airplanes, heating and cooling systems, industrial equipment and machineries, etc. Over the past few decades, the accelerated growth in scientific knowledge and technology has brought about a significant change in mechanical engineering, both in its education and practice as a profession. For instance, with the rapid advances in computer technology, mechanical engineers are now extensively using computer aided engineering (CAE) tools to undertake design and analysis. To keep pace with the technological advancements, our mechanical engineering degree curricula are structured to bring students quickly to the frontier of knowledge in a wide range of fascinating fields. Our graduates are also imparted with an awareness of the impact of engineering developments on society, professional ethics and the ability to communicate and cooperate with personnel in other disciplines. As a matter of fact, many of our graduates are now assuming very senior technical and managerial positions in a great variety of industries including utility services, building services, manufacturing and environmental consultancy services.
Control, Automation &
Energy &
Materials &
Building Services
Design &
Engineering Management,
Economics & Ethics
Mechanics of
Dynamics, Vibration &
Mechanics of
Programme Objectives
Undergraduates &
Rely on the programme for training and inspiration toward becoming productive engineers.
Responsible for educating and training our students, ensuring that student outcomes are attained, and enabling the Programme Objectives.
Employers, Internship & Project Sponsors,
Scholarship/Prize Donors, Alumni
Provide supports to our programme. Expect the programme to instill knowledge and professional practice skills into our students. Employ our students and expect well-trained professionals.
Graduates possess an understanding of the fundamental knowledge prerequisite for the practice of, or for advanced study in mechanical engineering and building services engineering, including its scientific principles, rigorous analysis, and creative design.
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering appropriate to the BSE and ME disciplines
an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to critically analyse and interpret data
an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability;
Graduates possess broad education, including problem-solving skills and knowledge of important current issues in engineering, necessary for productive careers in the public or private sectors, or for the pursuit of graduate education.
an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice appropriate to the BSE and ME disciplines and understand their limitations
an ability to critically analyse the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, especially the importance of health, safety and environmental considerations to both workers and the general public
an ability to stay abreast of contemporary issues
an ability to use the computer/IT tools relevant to the BSE and ME disciplines along with an understanding of their processes and limitations
Graduates demonstrate skills for clear communication and responsible teamwork, and professional attitudes and ethics, so that they are prepared for the complex modern work environment and for lifelong learning.
an ability to function constructively on multi-disciplinary teams
an ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility
an ability to communicate effectively
an ability to recognize the need for, and to engage in life-long learning
University’s Educational Aims
Educational Aims and Institutional Learning Outcomes for Ug Curricula
Benchmarked against the highest international standards, the 4-year undergraduate curriculum at HKU is designed to enable our students to develop their capabilities in:
Aim 1: Pursuit of academic/professional excellence, critical intellectual inquiry and life-long learning
Develop in-depth knowledge of specialist disciplines and professions
Maintain highest standards of intellectual rigor and academic integrity
Critique and apply received knowledge from multiple perspectives
Sustain intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm for learning
Aim 2: Tackling novel situations and ill-defined problems
Respond positively to unanticipated situations and problems
Identify and define problems in unfamiliar situations
Generate and evaluate innovative solutions to problem
Aim 3: Critical self-reflection, greater understanding of others, and upholding personal and professional ethics
Maintain highest standards of personal integrity and ethical practice in academic, social and professional settings
Heighten awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses
Respect individual differences and preferences
Aim 4: Intercultural communication, and global citizenship
Heighten awareness of own culture and other cultures
Develop cultural sensitivity and interpersonal skills for engagement with people of diverse cultures
Perform social responsibilities as a member of the global community
Aim 5: Communication and collaboration
Communicate effectively in academic, professional and social settings, making appropriate use of available technology
Work with others and make constructive contributions
Aim 6: Leadership and advocacy for the improvement of the human condition
Play a leading role in improving the well-being of fellow citizens and humankind
Uphold the core values of a democratic society: human rights, justice, equality and freedom of speech
Participate actively in promoting the local and global social, economic and environmental sustainability
Educational Aims and Institutional Learning Outcomes for TPg Curricula
Benchmarked against the highest international standards, the taught postgraduate curricula at HKU are designed to enable our students to develop their capabilities in:
Aim 1: Critical intellectual enquiry and acquiring up-to-date knowledge and research skills in a
Critically review, consolidate and extend knowledge, skills and practices and thinking in a discipline/profession
Critically evaluate new knowledge and research skills of specialist disciplines and professions from a range of global sources
Demonstrate enhanced analytical skills
Aim 2: Application of knowledge and research skills to practice or theoretical exploration, demonstrating
originality and creativity
Apply disciplinary knowledge to practice or theoretical exploration creatively
Employ research skills in practice or theoretical exploration in an original way
Demonstrate critical awareness of the appropriate application of knowledge and research skills to practice or theoretical exploration
Apply knowledge and skills in a broad range of professional work activities, drawing on relevant local, regional and international experience
Aim 3: Tackling novel situations and ill-defined problems
Respond positively to unanticipated situations and problems
Identify and define problems in unfamiliar situations
Generate and evaluate innovative solutions to problems
Deal with complex issues and make informed judgements in novel situations
Aim 4: Collaboration and communication of disciplinary knowledge to specialists and the general public
Work with others in a constructive manner to complete tasks
Negotiate with others in making a decision
Communicate ideas professionally, making appropriate use of available technology
Effectively communicate disciplinary knowledge with key stakeholders locally, regionally and internationally
Aim 5: Awareness of and adherence to personal and professional ethics
Maintain highest standards of personal integrity and ethical practice in academic and professional settings
Demonstrate critical awareness of global best practice in personal and professional ethics
Aim 6: Enhancement of leadership and advocacy skills in a profession
Play a leading role in professional settings
Articulate ideas effectively and motivate others to action
Address critical issues and make contribution to change and development in the profession
Attain familiarity with global best practice in the profession
(This educational aim applies only to professional curricula.)