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Low Energy Buildings: Design And Computer Simulation


Prof. Malcolm Cook

Professor of Building Performance Analysis
Associate Dean – Research
Building Energy Research Group
School of Architecture
Building & Civil Engineering
Loughborough University

Date & Time

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

6:30 am


Room 7-37, Haking Wong Building, HKU

Malcolm’s presentation will cover both his research and consultancy activities. This will cover the work he has undertaken during his time spent working with architects on low energy building design, with a particular focus on natural ventilation and passive cooling strategies, and the role computer simulation can play in this design process, in particular, advanced techniques such as computational fluid dynamics. Malcolm will talk about the simulation techniques employed, as well as the innovative passive design principles that have led to some of the UK’s most energy efficient buildings. In addition to UK building projects, the talk will include work Malcolm has completed as part of the design of international award winning buildings in hot climates which employ hybrid ventilation and cooling strategies to exploit the maximum benefit from natural ventilation before reverting to air-conditioning.

Malcolm Cook is Professor of Building Performance Analysis at Loughborough University and Associate Dean for Research. He obtained his first degree from Manchester University (UK) in Mathematics and completed his PhD at De Montfort University in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling of buoyancy-driven natural ventilation. As well as completing several EPSRC and EU funded research projects, he has consulted for a wide range of projects worldwide which have included design and simulation work for health care buildings, schools, theatres and modern library buildings. His work is published in over 70 refereed journal and conference papers and has contributed to several awards for innovative building design.

Research Areas:

Natural & Built Environment

Contact for


Dr. B.P.L. Ho

+(852) 3917 8553

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