Controllable micro air vehicle with only one actuator
Mr. Chen Nan
PhD candidate in the Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Date & Time
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
2:30 am
Via Zoom
In the last two decades, there has been an increased interest in micro air vehicles (MAVs), particularly in the fields that a controllable MAV with highly underactuated characteristic. Swashplateless propulsion system (SPS) is a way to significantly reduce the number of actuators, by applying some exquisite mechanical structures in the propeller hub. It can produce horizontal forces or moments based on a cyclical acceleration and deacceleration of motor. However, the SPS has not been used in a MAV with only one actuator. In this talk, the mechanism of the SPS and previous implementation in MAVs will be briefly introduced. And the structure design and flying simulation of a self-rotation MAV with the SPS will be presented.
Research Areas:
Robotics and Control