Coastal Waves Hindcast in Hong Kong
Miss Cheung Yuet Ying
MPhil candidate in the Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Date & Time
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
3:00 am
Via Zoom
Waves generated from typhoons are one of the major natural threats to Hong Kong. This complicated weather system brings hazardous waves to the coastal low-lying regions which are hard to be predicted. To combat against the waves, a study on the potential of multiple-row breakwaters using large-scale domain numerical simulations, the Simulating WAves Nearshore model, in enhancing wave cancellation capability and protecting coastal areas under real-world oceanic conditions in Ap Lei Chau was carried out. With the implementation of multiple-row floating breakwaters, improvements in terms of a reduction of transmitted wave heights in normal and typhoon conditions are observed in the simulation results.
Research Areas:
Natural & Built Environment