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Leung D.Y.C.




+(852) 3917 7911

HW 7-01

Prof. Dennis Y.C. Leung received his BEng (1982) and PhD (1988) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong.  He had worked with the Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. for five years heading the air pollution section of the company before joining the University of Hong Kong in 1993. Professor Leung is now a full professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering specializing in environmental pollution control and renewable & clean energy development. He was the head of department during the period of 2020-2023. He has published more than 520 articles in this area including 360+ peer reviewed top SCI journal papers.  His current h-index is 90 with total citations 43000+. He is one of the top 1% highly cited scientists in the world in energy field since 2010 (Essential Science Indicators) and named as a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics from 2017-2023.  Prof. Leung has delivered more than 90 keynote and invited speeches in many conferences as well as public lectures.  

Prof. Leung is a chartered engineer, a fellow of the HKIE, IMechE, and Energy Institute, and a Past Chairman of the Energy Institute (HK Branch). Currently he serves as an  editorial board member of a number of journals including Applied Energy, Applied Sciences and Energy Conversion and Management. He served as the Specialty Chief Editor of the Frontiers in Environmental Science and Associate Editor of Progress in Energy for a number of years. He also serves as a board member of the Hong Kong Institution of Science and Coolpoint Innonism, chairman and member of a few government committees and appeal panels related to sustainability and environment, and an external examiner of the THEi. Professor Leung received numerous awards including the Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award and Outstanding Earth Champion Hong Kong award in recognizing his contributions in protecting the environment.

Research Areas

Energy conversion and conservation

Renewable energy

Electrochemical energy


Air pollution and emission control

Air dispersion modelling

Vehicular emission control

Research Projects


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