May 18, 2021香港大學機器魚打破50米游泳吉尼斯世界紀錄! 水下停留8到12個小時,可用於溺水救援 | 專訪"我們正在努力創建一個類似於波士頓動力的組織,不過是在亞洲!" 提起自己參與研發、並創下吉尼斯世界紀錄的機器魚 SNAPP,該團隊的創始成員之一穆罕默德・薩德・沙希德・安維爾(Muhammad Saad Shahid Anwel,下稱薩德)告訴 DeepTech。 圖 |...
Mar 31, 2021HKU Engineering student team developed robotic fish sets World Record for the second timeA robotic fish with wide-ranging functions from search and rescue to providing entertainment at an aquarium sounds like an unattainable...
Jan 13, 2021Guinness World Records Fastest Robot FishBREED Robotics Fish Project, a student team sponsored by the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing and the Department of Mechanical Engineering...
Mar 9, 2020News clippings: HKU engineers develop robotic fishBagging the Guinness World Record for “The Fastest 50 m Swim by a Robotic Fish”.
Feb 24, 2020HKU robotic fish team supervised by Zheng Wang for obtaining the Guinness World Record of fastest 50The Vayu Project, founded by HKU students and supervised by Dr. Zheng Wang, just set a Guinness World Record for the fastest robotic fish.