May 28, 2019

ME team won the first prize in 5th HK University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

The Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association since 2015. Outstanding projects will be selected for representing Hong Kong in the national stage Challenge Cup competition late this year. Led by Miss Yingguang Zhang with Miss Holly Yu Ho Kwok as the team members and supervised by Professor Dennis Y.C. Leung and Dr. Yifei Wang, the team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been awarded the First Prize under the Category of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering.

The team presented a green paper-based aluminum-air battery that can be mechanically rechargeable, flexible and printable.  The battery is a low cost and user friendly product ready for commercialization.

Secretary for Innovation & Technology of HKSAR Gov. Mr. Nicholas Yang presented the award to the team.

The HKU ME team